Spawning aggregation of bigeye trevally, Caranx sexfasciatus, highlights the ecological importance of oil and gas platforms
During a wider scientific survey to assess the value of offshore platforms as coral reef fish habitat in the Gulf of Thailand, the project team witnessed something remarkable – a spawning aggregation of the commercially important species bigeye trevally. It is suspected that this occurs frequently but is rarely documented, with platforms having site characteristics conductive to spawning for multiple species.
This study shows that platforms are capable of not only attracting large aggregations of fish, but can provide suitable conditions for reproductive purposes. This really brings into question the management strategies required for oil and gas structures, particularly related to removal during decommissioning, or where structures are left in place and safety exclusion zones no longer apply.
This was a fantastic collaboration between industry and academia and contributes to the knowledge base of oil and gas structures importance to population connectivity and production.
Another great example of collaboration between academia, University of Aberdeen, Curtin University Chulalongkorn University, and industry.
Notes for Editors
Published | Tuesday September 27th, 2022 |