Two NDC PhD Students recorded podcasts for Explorathon ’20


Arturo Regalado Ruiz De Chavez and Jessica Gomez-Banderas recently recorded podcasts for the 2020 Explorathon event.  Arturo discussed his project which seeks to find out how different instruments used to ensure financial security impacts industry and government, and Jessica talked about her research which seeks to find natural compounds to prevent marine fouling of immersed structures.

Explorathon ’20 was held online with a socially distanced programme of events from 23rd – 29th November 2020 celebrating research from Scotland as part of European Researchers’ Night. Attendees took part in debates, listened to presentations, and tried activities at home.  The University of Aberdeen brought a daily podcast.

Here are the links to the podcast episodes:

Arturo – Financial Security in Offshore Decommissioning

Jessica – Protecting Marine Structures from the Creatures Below

Related Content

Jessica Gomez-Banderas

Arturo Regalado

Notes for Editors

PublishedThursday December 3rd, 2020