NDC had a virtual exhibition stand at the Offshore Decommissioning Conference 2020

Published: 8th January 2021

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Two NDC PhD Students recorded podcasts for Explorathon ’20

Arturo and Jessica provided podcasts as part of a week long programme of events to bring research closer to the public.

Published: 3rd December 2020

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NDC Director speaks at the annual joint SUT-HSS-IMCA seminar on Sustainability: The Subsea Industry and the Evolution of Energy

Professor Richard Neilson was keynote speaker at the third session on Assets and Innovation held on 5th November 2020. Richard gave an introduction to the NDC, including the active research that is ongoing.

Published: 6th November 2020

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SUT/MASTS Workshop Salvage, Decommissioning and Wreck Removal

NDC PhD student, Abigail Davies has been involved in organising the Climate Change and Sustainability workshops taking place from 2pm on Thursday 8th October 2020 and starting with an address by Paul Wheelhouse MSP who is the minster for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands.

Published: 8th October 2020

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Aberdeen Digital Doors Open Days

The NDC was delighted to be one of 227 buildings from all over Aberdeenshire participating in the Aberdeenshire Digital Doors Open Days during the weekend of 19th September 2020.

Published: 18th September 2020

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Seeing the solution – next generation simulation

Professor Richard Neilson, Director of the NDC and Malcolm Stone, Business Development Analyst, NDC write for Energy Voice, 8th September 2020 issue about the new marine simulator at the National Decommissioning Centre bringing unique capabilities to the North Sea energy sector.

Published: 9th September 2020

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Decom North Sea Conference and Technical Innovation Award

The NDC sponsored the Technical Innovation Award and presented virtually at the Decom North Sea Conference.

Published: 26th August 2020

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Smart Basin: A key tool in transition of energy

Professor Richard Neilson and Malcolm Stone write in Energy Voice, 3rd August 2020 edition on the Smart Basin concept which envisages a virtual model of the entire basin starting with an exemplar area.

Published: 10th August 2020

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NDC PhD Student Nathan Loustalot writes for the School Of Biological Sciences Blog

Nathan gave an account of his talk at the National Decommissioning Centre seminar series, and a touch on his research topic ‘Optimizing DNA Techniques to Understand How Decommissioning Offshore Oil and Gas Structures Will Impact Marine Life in the North Sea’.

Published: 9th July 2020

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The NDC – doing what is ‘best’ for the sector

Our Director, Professor Richard Neilson and Business Development Analyst at the NDC, Malcolm Stone write in Energy Voice, 6th July 2020 edition, page 32 on doing what is "best" for decommissioning through partnership with the energy sector, including our recent project collaborations with Chevron.

Published: 7th July 2020

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